
Discover the world of animation, from current news roundups each month, animation festival deadlines, useful organisations to join, and the best animation blogs.

Animation artists

Appreciating the work of key animation artists and the pioneers of animation is a great way to understand the evolution of animation, its history, and where its headed. In this collection of blogs, you will find the famous, the pioneers as well as the lesser known animators.

Independent films

This blog is primarily dedicated to independent animation artists, and the art and craft of animation, as made by the sole creator, or a small animation team. Although there are blogs on the more famous and well-known films, it’s the indie films that really illustrate what the art of animation is about. Animation can be a subversive art form. It is accessible to everyone with a smartphone, to make and watch. Watching collections of indie films is one of the best ways to get inspired to create.

The news

This is a collection of what is going on in the world of animation, news, views, and progress. Have a look at this collection of news posts to see what has been going on.